Tuesday, June 17, 2014

A Tingle A Tangle

I don't know what's up with the title. It's just what popped into my happy little head. I'm just so happy because I finished a tangle/doodle. It really only has a couple tangles and the rest is just doodles and it's all colored in with pretty glittery gel pens by Sakura.  I also use their Pigma Micron pens when my Copic Multiliner SP pens are out of ink, which they are right now because I'm too broke to buy the refills :) It's easier for me to go to the craft store and buy a pen for $4 than it is to send in my order for the $3 refills. That makes no sense! Ahhh! I'm wasting money! Time to get that figured out. Right away!
So, here is my newest tangle/doodle. It is a Ben Kwok template from his Facebook group, "Ornation Creation." Click on that link, and it'll take you to the group. There are around 43 or 44 templates out there. I've done four. Haha I get so distracted and am so detail oriented that sometimes they are hard for me to do. Last weeks was really easy, but I didn't do it. It was just roses that you could color in or tangle I suppose. Here's my butterfly that I just finished :)
 As you can see I added a background. It was fun though. The ones below are the others of his I have done, not in any particular order. I really like the turtle one. I love sea turtles.

 I received this lovely book by Joanne Fink yesterday in the mail, so now it's time to play some more! I love, love, love doing dangles! They look so neat. There's an awesome project in here, but I'm not going to say what it is. I will just show you once I do it! I believe, if I did it right, you can click on the photo of the book and it will take you to her website. She has some neat projects and what-nots there.
 I hope you all have a great day and can't wait to write to you again soon!

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What to do, What to do????

Have you ever just woke up and thought, "I'm not gonna do a damn thing today?" Yeah, well I feel like that every day. I don't know what in the hell is wrong with me. Is it because people let me get away with not doing anything? I slept all day yesterday because I wasn't feeling well and woke up today at 6am. Everyone was sleeping. Now only 3 people are sleeping. What are we going to do today? We don't have any money, hardly any gas. Gas I need to save to pick middle Noodle up on Sunday and possibly the oldest Noodle. Ugh. I just want to sit here, draw, and be lazy. I can't though. The kids are out of school and it's time to do stuff to get them worn out for the day!

Take them to the park? We could do that. There's one just up the road from me. Movies? Big fat nope. No money. Guess I better get on Pinterest and find something interesting for them to do. They'd be happy with a pool, but we don't have one :( This blog sounds like a poor me blog and I don't like it!

Ok, so the good things that have been going on.... I have my middle Noodle for 2 weeks! Yay! I wish it was longer, but assholes will be assholes. I get to keep ALL the kids with me this summer! Yay! Haha I hope you heard the sarcasm in that one. I've been working on that piece that I'm doing for a friend. I went through like 5 pens today and they're all dried up. Why don't I just throw them away? Do I really think they're just going to magically start working again!?! I mean really?

Yesterday was my oldest Noodle's birthday. He's 16 now. No he doesn't get his driver's license. He thinks it's just something you're given when you turn 15 1/2 and I told him oh no. You have to have good grades, a good attitude, and help out around the house. He helps out around the house, but only after having a bad attitude about it. I can see why. He's the only one doing anything.

I finished my wicker basket towel holder! Yes for finishing things! I have a hard time finishing anything I start. Here it is!!!
Isn't it beautiful?!? I'm going to get the next two smaller sizes for hand towels and wash cloths. I'm so proud of myself for actually doing something! Kinda like with the Shrinky Dinks. You know how far it is to the kitchen from where I sit? It's a ways. But I have gotten up and done them :) I'm not happy with how the first ones turned out, but who ever is happy with their first accomplishment? The others are ok though. We made father's day key chains and then just some random ones that I call, Peace, Love, and Puppy Dogs :) I didn't know what to put after peace and love but I had this awesome dink of my puppy. Here they are:

They're all pretty small, besides the love one. That's love in ASL, just in case ya didn't know.

I really miss tangling, and it feels as if I have forgotten how to do it. My little "art area" aka my chair is so disorganized it just overwhelms me. I think I will clean it up today and get some tangling done to share with everyone. Not promising they're going to look the best, but that's not the whole point of it.
So, today is a new day. A day to do something. Maybe it will just be organizing my art area or maybe it will be going to the park. Who knows. We'll just go with the flow. Hahaha! My youngest Noodle is being chased by Marley who is barking his big bark at him. It's so cute! I just love those Noodles!

Wednesday, June 4, 2014

My Very First Post.... To This Blog ;)

Hey, Howdy, Hey all you brilliant readers out there! Is it weird to have two different blogs? Like one on Blogger and the other one on WordPress? Cause I do. I like to be weird, so don't worry about hurting my feelers. 
As I sit here with a cigarette hanging out of my mouth, and the smoke going into my eyes, I wonder. Maybe it's worry. Maybe it's just pondering. What do I want to do?!? I think I am going to write about my newest interest, Shrinky Dinks. I usually stray away from Wikipedia, but I figured you'd get the idea of what they were from that site. Oh and by the way, all of the words in different colors have links. Like the Shrinky Dinks link will go to Wikipedia to give you a description of what I'm talking about, if you don't know. They've been around forever, but some people, like me, never knew about them! Ok back to Shrinky Dinks :)I have not tried them yet. I'm too scared! I bought the inkjet paper that you print images out on, but I'm scared. They say not to have them too dark or that when they shrink they will just look black. I haven't figured out how to change the opacity. I've only tried in Adobe LightRoom and Microsoft Paint. I think I might try PicMonkey. It's a pretty awesome photo editing program that's right on the web. I think if you use Chrome you can have it as an add-on. I use Firefox. Don't ask me why, since it constantly crashes! 

Today I tried a new project, and FAILED! We don't have anywhere to put our towels in the bathrooms in our house. So, I saw an awesome little DIY project on Pinterest that I totally thought I could do. Well, seems as if I need help with it. Here is the original picture that I saw. I saved it to my phone without saving it with the Pinterest directions, so if you click on it you won't get directions :(

Here are my directions that I've made from just looking at this. First what you do is get a sturdy picnic basket. I looked at a couple different craft stores in the area and found a wicker basket with small handles at Michaels. I figured for the price I would make it work. I also thought all I would need would be two small nails and some towels! Boy was I wrong! Here is a picture of the basket, and it has other stuff I bought in it too. I don't have any of just the basket. 
The basket is wonderful! On the picture of the DIY project, they had a picnic basket and used the handle to hold one towel. Like one that had been used and needed to dry off. I figured that since these handles are so small I would just put a hand towel in there. 
So I found my two nails and a hammer, got my basket and headed for the bathroom. Well, the first nail went through the wicker and into the wall good. Then I put the hand towel in and the whole thing fell to the floor. So I put the other nail in, and it still fell to the floor. I threw up my hands and said forget it! I'll just have Jeff do it. But then this little light went off in my head and I said, "NO! I am going to do this myself!" 
Jeff came home and I told him what I wanted to do and asked what I would need to do it. He went and collected the screws and screwdriver for me. He found the stud for me to screw the nail into. So here I go! I screwed the screw in sideways and got fed up again and said "Here you do it. I can't do it." He said oh no. You're going to do it. So I took the screw out, got the basket and screwed the basket into the wall. It stayed!!!!! I noticed that I was going to have to make something to hold up the bottom though or else the towels would fall right out. So tomorrow he's going to make me something at work. Here's a picture of what it looks like so far. You can see how the bottom is flimsy.
I will post more pics tomorrow, or whenever it is that he finishes the piece needed to go under the bottom. I'm so happy that I decided to do it. I'm so thankful that he wouldn't let me give up. I like to give up on a lot of things when I can't get it right the first time. So, Thank you Jeff! 

That's it for now. Now that I've looked over my first blog I can tell that I didn't write too much on Shrinky Dinks! I will write more once I do them, I think. We'll see how it goes. 
Thank you readers for reading this book I have written! I didn't notice how much I wrote! 
Have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night/or whatever it is where you are. It is 1:35am here in the armpit of Washington state :)
(that's my signature BTW)